Tapas is no longer just found in Spain as it became quite a fad in the Uk and now there are tapas restaurants up and down the country. However, having visited a large amount I can safely say that they are not 'real' tapas bars they are more like restaurants serving tapas style dishes.
So what is tapas?
Well a tapa is a lid so tapas are lids and many years ago when a local went in to a bar to get a beer or wine they would put a bit of bread on top as a tapa (lid) to stop the flies getting in their drink. Later to make the bread a microscopic more bright tiny bits of food were placed on the bread and so tapas was born.
Of policy nowadays it has evolved and is a culinary wonder with many adventurous and customary dishes.
So as promised here are some tapas tips.
On a menu you will commonly see three prices under three distinct headings;
Tapa, media racion and racion. These mean a small portion, half a dish and full dish respectively.
We would recommend that you order lots of distinct tapas portions so you can contact the many distinct flavours from fish to meat from vegetables to rice.
Typical tapas dishes contain albondigas (meatballs), croquetas (croquettes), calamari (squid rings), boquerones (pickled anchovies), patas bravas (spicy potatoes), gambas pil pil (spicy garlic prawns) and chorizo (spicy Spanish sausage).
You will consideration that many customary tapas bars are called bodegas and have barrels exterior that are converted into tables.
If you happen to be on holiday on the Costa del Sol there are a amount of tapas bars to pick from like the paramount Valencia Tapas bars in Marbella. However, even in large holiday resorts like Club La Costa you will find that the bars and cafes also have a tapas menu so guests can enjoy a customary Spanish style lunch.
Tapas Tips
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