Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Soup - healthy and Quick Soup Recipes

--Beer Bread Recipes of Soup - healthy and Quick Soup Recipes--

directory Soup - healthy and Quick Soup Recipes

Soup is versatile, filling, and delicious. And you won't have to spend all day in the kitchen. Here are three recipes for soups that can be ready in 30 minutes and are hearty sufficient to serve as an entree.

Soup - healthy and Quick Soup Recipes

Fiesta Corn and Tomato Chicken Soup.

Chop an onion, green pepper, and red pepper into 1/2 chunks. Saute in a join of tablespoons of virgin olive oil for about 5 minutes, over medium heat, until translucent and tender but not brown. Add two cloves of crushed garlic, a teaspoon each of cumin and dried oregano, and 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. If you like spicy food growth the cayenne pepper. Slice two boneless, skinless chicken breasts into 1/2 inch slices, add to the pan. Saute a miniature or two more.

Add 2 cups of freezing corn kernels, fresh can be used as well. Sauteing brings out the sweetness of the corn and enhances its flavor. While the corn is cooking, roughly chop 2 large tomatoes. Add to the pan with 4 cups of good chicken broth. Let the soup simmer for 20 minutes for the flavors to meld. Serve with cafeteria style corn chips and a squeeze of lime. Add a salad of sliced cucumbers and jicama tossed with lime juice, fresh cilantro and salt and pepper.

Oriental Shrimp with Noodle Soup
Chop two bunches of scallions (green onions), reserve about 1/2 cup for garnish. Crush 3 cloves of garlic, finely chop about 1/2 teaspoon of fresh ginger, add more if you like the flavor of ginger. Slice 4 ounces of mushrooms. Saute over medium heat until the scallions are soft. Add a pound of medium size shelled and de veined shrimp. Cook until the shrimp turns pink. Add 4 cups of chicken broth, one tablespoon of soy sauce, and sufficient rice noodles to serve 4. Simmer until noodles are cooked per packaged directions. At the very end of the cooking right before you're ready to serve the soup add a small container of fresh spinach. The spinach should just be wilted. Adornment each serving with the reserved green onions.

Easy Pork and Winter Vegetable Soup
Saute a chopped onion and two stalks of chopped celery in a few tablespoons of cooking oil for 3 or 4 minutes. Add 3 boneless pork chops that have been cut into bite size pieces. Add your favorite winter vegetables cut in bites size chunks. Try baby carrots, acorn squash, turnips, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, parsnips. Add 1 bottle of beer and 3 cups of chicken stock. Simmer until veggies are cooked about 20 minutes. Serve with crusty bread.

Try these healthy, quick and appetizing soups for your supper.

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Filipino Food Alternatives to Junk Food

You're starving after a long day at work, but there's nothing in the fridge. So you run to the nearest store and grab something to eat-a bag of chips, a candy bar, or a can of soda. This is what a typical afternoon is like for a lot of kids and young adults. Unfortunately, it can hardly be called salutary eating. Junk food is loaded with empty calories-calories that have no corresponding nutritional value. Basically, they make you fat but don't make you any healthier. Before you know it, it can take its toll on your health.

If you need to munch in between meals, Filipino food is a much great way to fill up. Native snacks are a lot economy than store-bought foods, and they can satisfy those cravings without piling on the pounds. Here are some Filipino food recipes you can try in place of your beloved junk foods.

Junk: Burgers

Better: Spring rolls

Many parents argue that burgers aren't all bad. After all, they're basically a one-dish meal: you've got your starch, protein and vitamins in one bite. But you also get an unhealthy dose of trans fat, the important cause of heart disease, obesity, and a host of other conditions. A lot of Filipino cooking recipes are also one-dish meals, but few of them have as much trans fat. With fresh lumpia, you can throw in your option of meat and vegetables and control your serving portions. Cut off even more fat by going vegetarian or choosing quarterly flour instead of egg wrappers.

Junk: Candy bars

Better: Banana cue

The average candy bar has 300 to 500 calories; a two-piece banana cue has 250 or less. That's because chocolate bars are loaded with high-fat ingredients such as nuts, caramel, sugar, and of course, chocolate. The sugar will give you an energy boost, but you're not likely to burn all those fat before you're tired again. Bananas are sweet, but its main ingredient is starch, a much great source of energy. Before eating, blot out some of the oil to further reduce the fat content.

Junk: Soft drinks

Better: Sagot' Gulaman

A glass of soda contains the equivalent of 12 tablespoons of sugar-that's more than you consume in one whole day! Soft drinks are a major cause of obesity in industrialized countries. Even diet sodas aren't completely safe; the aspartame used in place of sugar is connected to a estimate of health problems, including cancer. If you need to freshen up, get a glass of sagot' gulaman-a banana-flavored beverage with bits of gelatin and tapioca balls. It goes well with banana cue, turon, and other light Filipino recipes.

Junk: Doughnuts

Better: Puto/Kutsinta

It's nice to have something sweet to go with your morning coffee, but there are salutary wys to get that sugar fix. Instead of those fat jelly-filled doughnuts, have a duplicate treat of puto and kutsinta instead. These small cakes are made from rice flour, which is infinitely healthier than the white flour used in market breads and pastries. Because they are steamed, they withhold most of their moisture, manufacture them more filling as well. To maximize your calorie savings, skip the cheese and salted egg toppings.

Junk: Milkshakes

Better: Taho

Next to soda and beer, milkshakes are one of the unhealthiest drinks invented in our time. The mixture of milk, sugar, synthetic flavoring, and whipped cream topping pack a dose of fat and fat that will take three hours of exercise to burn off. Instead, help yourself to a cup of taho-a warm drink made from soft tofu, sweetened with sugar syrup and garnished with sago (tapioca balls). It's a small heavy, but some times healthier. It's also a lot cheaper-10 pesos will get you a large cup, while a quarterly milk shake can cost over 100.

Junk: Ice cream

Better: Tropical fruits

Often, when you've topped off a great meal with a bowl of ice cream, you find yourself craving again in less than an hour. That's how this sweet treat works: it sends a handful of fat down your system, and makes you hungry so that you'll want even more. It's great at children's parties, but on quarterly days, it only works up your appetite. If you're craving an after-meal treat, grab a mango, pineapple or some other fruit instead. Mix them together to make your own Filipino desserts recipes. Fresh fruits fill you up fast, so you can curb your cravings for more than half the day.

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Natural Oral Thrush Remedies - 5 Things to Avoid If You Have Oral Thrush

No.1 Article of Bread Machine Beer Bread

Oral thrush is type of yeast infection in the mouth caused by overgrowth of a fungus called Candida Albicans. Though oral thrush by itself is not life threatening, it can cause great ache and pain to the person suffering from it. Oral thrush can be cured simply with home based remedies (read my other articles on oral thrush remedies). By making a few changes to your daily habits, the infection can be cured faster and more effectively. Here are a few tips on what to avoid if you are suffering from oral thrush:

1. Cut down sugar intake

Bread Machine Beer Bread

Yeasts feed on sugar. Inordinate intake of sugar will cause a faster spread of yeast infection in the mouth.

Natural Oral Thrush Remedies - 5 Things to Avoid If You Have Oral Thrush

2. Avoid fermented food

Food fermented with yeast like bread, beer and wine should be avoided as they promote further increase of yeasts in the mouth.

3. No junk food

Junk food contains a high level of undesirable additives like monosodium glutamate, sugar and preservatives that are harmful to the body. Eating junk food jeopardize the body's immune system as all the necessary nutrients required by the body are compromised. It is best to consume wholesome and nutritious food like fresh vegetables, fruits and natural unsweetened yoghurt. Garlic is also one of the recommended oral thrush remedies as it contains antibacterial properties that help slow yeasts from growing.

4. Stop smoking

Cigarettes consist of nitrogen dioxide that drastically depletes the number of vitamin C in the body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps build up the body's immune system. Stop smoking if you are suffering from thrush. Also, build up your immune system by taking good vitamin C supplements and vitamin C rich food like orange, yellow-fleshed kiwi, lemon and etc.

5. Avoid stress

Stress weakens the body's immune system. A weak immune system is the traditional trigger that causes the occurrence of yeast infection in the first place. If you are depressed or unhappy, seek relieve from house and friends. Institute outdoor activities. Remember, there is nothing that can't be solved if you are willing to go out and share what's on your mind. Meditate. Meditation helps calm and relax the mind. Remember to utter a confident state of mind at all times.

I trust that you have benefited from the suggestions listed in this article. Remember that the tips given in this narrative should be complemented with permissible oral thrush remedies as a perfect treatment. Stick to these habits until the oral thrush recovers or for 30 days for best results and to forestall thrush from recurring.

straight from the source Natural Oral Thrush Remedies - 5 Things to Avoid If You Have Oral Thrush